Dienstag, 30. April 2013

Where did the normal people go?

After a couple of very challenging days, to put it mildly, I cannot help but wonder if there are still any people left in our environment, or if we only have ‘The System’.

In our try to be more and more efficient, we have created ‘The System’. You want to register/ deregister/ make a change in your data: ‘Sorry, it is not possible, we have already saved the data in The System’. Or, at your hotel, you stand in front of the reception and tell them you want to prolongue your stay: ‘Sorry, it is not possible; we have already deregistered you in The System’. Or you want to pay cash but you realize you don’t have enough money, so you decide to pay by card: ‘Noooooo, I have already registered a cash payment in The System’. And so on and so far….we are always revolving around this System. Instead of being more flexible, we get more and more bureaucratic, we have created systems over systems which have started to rule our daily lives.  
It does not matter anymore if you stand in front of someone and communicate something – if it is not in the system, it does not exist. We only analyze the data in our system – what happened to direct communication or just picking up the phone and discussing a topic? Since when does everything need to be in a System?
Everywhere you go, regardless of what you have to do, you have to face a System.  Even if you pick up your laundry and stand in front of the laundry employee explaining that you had one more jacket, which is now missing, he/ she will convince you that you didn’t because….it is not in The System!!
So I am wondering, when did all the people disappear? When did their brains and normal, healthy thinking get replaced by a System? When has life become so complicated?
Every day we get confronted with The System, talk to robots and buy stuff from machines, if we have a problem, we have to talk to a robot for half an hour until our call gets re-routed to Dave, in India, who will most definitely assure us that our request is now registered in The System and will be handled shortly.
I am fed up with The System, I would like to be able to have normal conversations with normal people who listen to what I say, and not to what is registered in some System.
But I guess that all the delightful events are just a warm welcome to the era of the Homo Sistematicus…

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