Montag, 8. April 2013

Oas Country - Country of contradictions

'What good is it to have money, if you can't show it?'
There are a lot of stories cruising about Tara Oasului, a region from Satu Mare county. I think that it is one of the most controversed regions in Romania, due to the contrasts that shock you from the second you arrive.

I am glad to see that the development of Oas has been captured in a captivating project, called Pride and Concrete. If you want to get a glimpse into Oas and if you want to understand why the people from Oas work so hard abroad ('cause they do work hard), what drives them and what keeps them coming home, no matter where they have travelled, take some time to visit  Pride and Concrete (romanian version: Mandrie si Beton).

Get to know a different side of the story!

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