Mittwoch, 27. März 2013

One City, One Book

Just imagine standing in the metro in the morning, going to work, reading your book between stations – you look left, you look right - and all around you there are people reading the same book as you. Strangers – but you know you have at least one thing in common – you are all reading the same book. I think that would be a great feeling and would create an instant sense of community. 

I do not know if you ave heard of the ‚One City, One Book‘ initiative, but I just loved the idea the second I heard about it. It is quite old, as it started in 1998 in Seattle under the title ‘If All of Seattle Read the Same Book’. The point is that, during one month of the year, an entire city should read the same book. People can vote in advance on a website and choose the book they want to read – afterwards they can attend different book clubs, readings or meetings to discuss the book or just to meet new people. Nowadays it is even easier to advertise the idea via social media – just image what we could create.
In a big city, characterized by anonymity, a simple book can bring so many people together… We pass by so many people every day – wouldn’t it be great to know that we all have at least ONE thing in common? That we are all lost between the pages of the same book?
I would love to organize such a project, so if anyone is interested, please contact me J

A great example is Dublin!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Felicitari sincere! Am ajuns pe blogul tau pornind de la articolul aparut pe

    As vrea sa aflu mai multe despre tine, despre experientele tale. Departe de a avea un parcurs asemanator celui descris de tine, am fost si eu beneficiara unei burse in afara tarii si sunt convinsa ca in Romania lucrurile se pot schimba in bine. Acesta este si unul dintre motivele pentru care am ramas :) Oamenii fac locul. Ma bucur ca scrii si ca impartasesti, devenind astfel un potential factor de schimbare.

    Mult succes in continuare!
